i am - the state before consciousness: listening to the drum, fitfully stirring in a world of alseep, tossed about by the winds of circumstance and the whims of others it is knowledge of self the greatest struggle, the greatest power. who am i? why am i here? what is the point? initiation of the soul is not a given. we all start life ignorant, asleep, as we mature our understanding of real increases, we conduct ourselves accordingly, our lives become more harmonious, productive, we are initiated, we truly live
lord legba, open this gate, it is i, ask that this gate be opened, this work be done
early in the days of earth humanity walked on four feet until the firstborn rose and stood upright in the dawn of the world, before gondwaland divided itself and the 1st people sprung from mother africa, the little dark ones, the people of the bow, the kung, the wa, the tcheu-li, the semang, the malay, the sakais, the dravidians, the liu-kiu, the melanesians & the khymer, building civilizatons along the great rivers of antiquity, the ganges, the euphrates, the nile
birthing the first empire in the shadows of jebal barkal, the holy cities of napata and meroe, the black holylands of kemet, nubia, kush and egypt, of wo'se, nowe, and khartoum, of asselar, thebes, meroe, punt, and rozvi, zimbabwe, khol, san, nok, and darfur, of the tassili mountains planting on the rhythms of the nile - the sahara was bountiful then, lush and rich and fertile, people were plentiful, proud fisherfolk of the sudan. till the day came the sahara begin to dry, at the same time the blacks ceded the coast to their enemies, driven by both further into the interior, cut off from the rest of the world
the long walk had begun and now the elders of kush gather in the shadows of jebal barkal, the sacred mountain of kush, I have heard that as long as jebal barkal stands, the nubians cannot be defeated, then tell me o elders of kush, tell me, what do you see –
the children of the sun must be scattered to the 4 corners of the earth, a forging of gods instrument, a jebal barkal of the soul that will illuminate the stars, the children of the sun are going home.
it is in the beginning of things that paths are laid, destinies shaped, step carefully here
& remember this then o traveler, whatever challenges we face we have faced before, in the great black book of generations there is always a way