most folk go thru life unaware, unawake, but in this moment you
are of the conscious, truly living - the sleeper has awoken
initiation of the soul is not a given. we all start life ignorant, asleep, as we mature our understanding of real increases, we conduct ourselves accordingly, our lives become more harmonious, productive, we are initiated, we truly live
the 9 challenges of life: 1) control of self, 2) lifelong education, 3) relationship/social skills, 4) family, 5) workworld, 6) financial security, 7) empowerment, 8) illumination, 9) grace
and a good narrative, one that calls from you your very best, your own personal mythwork
in the year 3100bc, manetheo, the gift of thoth, wrote that the first 7 dynasties of egypt were dynasties of the gods, founded by ptah, creator god of the blacks, he who thought the world, spoke it in a word and then it was so, - so then, lord god ptah, guardian protector of memphis, god of scribes and magicians, ruled 9000 years, and then came ra, who ruled for 1000 years, shu for 700, geb for 500, osiris for 450, seth for 350, horus for 300, so says manotheo. he also says that the 3rd dynasty, 30 demigods, was divine chaos until menes the builder heard the call of destiny and built the 1st human dynasty at memphis, a temple to ptah. thats the way manetho told it. I cannot vouch for this account, sound like mythwork to me,
mythwork is often a spell designed to counter or enhance a prevailing worldview. many Egyptian gods were local deities that became national by conquest and such, when menes united the two egypts and built his capital city of memphis, the memphite priests wanted to also rule theosophically. in order to challenge the reigning creation myth of the creator god, atum, creating through masturbation, (the animal nature) they proposed that their local god, ptah, was in truth the creator god through a more illuminated method of thinking the world, speaking it in a word and then it was so (the divine nature).
excellent mythwork: attuned to current political realities and manifesting a more illuminated understanding.
this the mythwork way i see it, the nile was oringally populated by the blacks, Africans, all three states, egypt, nubia and ethiopia, saddled with intermittent warfare, as customary between neighbors, until egypt gained hegemony, in part because it was exposed to the rest of the world in a way the lanlocked countries were not, the same access that facilitated waves of invaders turning egypt less black with every wave of invaders until with Usertesen III, after defeating Nubian-Ethiopian armies, raised a granite stele at Semnah, in this Bilal a Sudan, the Land of the Blacks, that said "No black man whatsoever shall be permitted to pass this place."
remember o traveler it is not for the ascenionist to be tossed
about by the winds of circumstance and the whims of others
open your eyes, young conjure,
a step every soul must take
look around young conjure, tell me
what do you see