walking thru the flames
only to be born again
we have, all of us, done things for which we are ashamed, if we say we are without sin we deceive
ourselves and the truth is not in us, I have come to understand that you can not judge yourself too harshly
for human failings. you can only do better - whats fatal is to hide from error. the strong move is to face error, acknowledge it, incorporate the lessons of it. in bambaraland, initiates are called domas or somas, the knowers
or donikebas, makers of knowledge' - for a doma, practice of ones craft is a sacred magico-religious
responsibility as they are intermediaries between this world and the the spiritworld
doma grand masters are not afraid of the unfavorable opinion of the folk and
acknowledge error publically as obligation and purification from defilement
remember this, o pilgrim, you not weak because you evil, you weak because you human - just keep trying
to be the best you can be, always strive to be greater than you are, restitution is the call, redemption is at hand
the gods are with you in this matter, rickydoc understands - good fortune